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Mat120 : Practice Sheet Solution

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Course Name: MAT120
University: Brac University
Pre-requisite: MAT 110

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MAT 120: MATH II Integral Calculus and Differential Equations

Integral Calculus Definitions Substitution integration. Parts integration Integrals. Integration through reduction. Defining integrals and their usage in summation series. Formula Walli. Wrong integrals. Beta and Gamma functions. A planar curve's area in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Two-curve area in Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Rule of three. Snipes rule. Aspects of curve arc lengths in Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Simple equations. Revolutionary substantial volume. The volume of revolution hollow solids shell technique. The surface of the revolution area Order of Ordinary Differential Equations Differential equations creation Methods for solving first-order differential equations Second and higher-order generic linear equations having constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear equation solution Applications. Solving higher order differential equations without dependent and independent variables. Solving differential equations using the operator factorization approach.

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